Eugene Krivoruchko

Leap Motion Hand UI Case study Hand UI
Design and prototyping work published while at Leap Motion and after, focusing on spatial UI for hands (Open source).
Case study Cat Explorer
A little app about friendship and feline anatomy for Leap Motion.
Case study A Study in Interactive Mechanics for VR
Series of short-form VR experiences that explore a selection of various interactive mechanics, specific to the spatial medium.
Case study Mr. Nomnom
Gameplay prototypes for a tiny WebVR game by Etterstudio for Google Creative lab.
Launch site Gentle Brain
An interactive piece about the fleeting nature of digital pleasures. Commissioned by Etterstudio for MuDA, Gentle Brain is friends with iPads and features accelerometer support.
Launch site Tactile Tentacle
An interactive experiment in the realm of colorful uselessness. It runs best in Chrome and features accelerometer support.